Discuss about the research of sludge solidification disposal in municipal sewage disposal plants

Author: Taida machine       Release time:2016-08-18
Reading guidance:Sewage treatment plant sludge inside from the process of sewage treatment and collection, the yield is relatively large. In Chinas annual average of about 50 million tons of sludge, the water content i
      Sewage treatment plant sludge inside from the process of sewage treatment and collection, the yield is relatively large. In China's annual average of about 50 million tons of sludge, the water content is about 75%, and now also to the 10% annual growth rate. In the city sewage treatment plant sludge water content relative high, which contains phosphorus, nitrogen, heavy metals, parasite eggs, pathogenic microorganisms and many difficult degradation organic matter, if not timely treatment will lead to the two pollution, the consequences are very serious. To date, a processing method of building materials, sludge incineration, landfill and other land use, this. Among them because of the sludge landfill and its cost is low, the implementation is convenient and widely used. But there are also many problems in the process of sludge landfill, for example the actual dehydration of sludge Rational shape can not reach the soil mechanics of landfill site requirements; landfill sludge in after rain washed after soaking will turn to mud; and in the rain, some of the garbage and sludge landfill will make the sludge with landfill leachate outflow. In the sludge landfill, for the landfill environment caused great damage, so in landfill often need for sludge in large quantities of soil, sand, but this will make the landfill volume almost half of the narrow.
      The cement produced chemical spray calcium silicate and calcium hydroxide such as ettringite and hard water when water reaction, the product has good mechanical properties. The fly ash is hollow, for some heavy metals have good physical adsorption. In addition, the actual value of pH cement slurry is relatively high, coal cinder and fly ash three oxidation two sulfur and silica components is very active in the presence of alkali and Ettringite and silicate material, making the actual strength of fast curing increased. This paper in his early work, is the selection of cinder, fly ash, cement configuration into a new curing agent, curing sludge treatment agent, discuss the actual appropriate ratio, and analyze the relevant influence on the curing agent for heavy metals in actual leaching, and the micro structure of the actual fast curing of sludge And chemical composition for understanding and research.
 1. The effect of fly ash content on the compressive strength of the solidified block
For the actual block due to the compressive strength of solidified fly ash, cement, cinder content, experiment of different effects of different water content by sludge. Through a series of experimental studies show that the close relationship between the actual amount of the actual compressive strength of solidified block with fly ash. With the increasing of the actual amount of powder fly ash, curing the actual block compressive strength has been reduced. When the actual quantity of fly ash with the highest intensity corresponding to, is also the biggest actual dosage of fly ash, it does not change with the time value of maintenance and change, is when the actual amount of 0.02kg/kg. doped in fly ash the same, the actual compressive strength of solidified block by the curing time of growth and rising. Close to three in 28d and 14d curing block actual compressive strength, it shows that the stable when curing 14d, the actual resistance Pressure will slow down as the actual time changes.
2. Effect of cement content on the actual curing strength
    Experiments show that solidified block the actual compressive strength and cement content for curing time has a very obvious effect. Solidified block of concrete with a compressive strength with curing time increasing and showed increasing trend. May indicate that the curing time is conducive to curing block their compressive strength growth. However, the strength of the solidified block will with the actual maintenance time is extended when real growth will be subject to the role and influence of the cement dosage, with increasing cement content, curing block to achieve stable with time will reduce. That is to say of cement admixture conducive to stability of the solidified block.
3. Effect of cinder content for the actual compressive strength of the solidified block
    Experimental results show that the curing time has a great influence on the cinder content and compressive strength of the solidified block. 7d curing actual compressive strength with increasing cinder content and increases first and then decreases. Close to the age at 28d and 14d curing block cinder content and compressive strength. The compressive strength will increase with the actual cinder content decreased. The actual compressive strength of solidified block with the actual curing time increasing and increasing, but at the age of 28d, 14d curing block actual compressive strength is similar, can be seen in the maintenance of 14d after curing the actual compressive strength began to show a steady state.
4. The effect of sewage sludge related moisture content on the compressive strength of the solidified block
    Not conducive to the growth of block is close to the actual experiments show that the solidified block in different aura of compressive strength and sludge moisture content. The experiment shows that the solidified block the actual compressive strength of the sludge water content increasing and decreases. Curing concrete with a compressive strength and with the curing time extended and grew up, and the growth rate will be affected by the sludge water content, with the water content increased with rising. And in the sludge water content continuously increased, the curing block can achieve stable time needs to be extended, that is to say the actual sludge moisture content solidified block stability.
5. Toxicity leaching of solidified block
    Application of ICP AES to the actual quality of the heavy metals in the sludge ratio, curing curing block, sludge in leaching solution of heavy metal concentration of the actual quality. Through the experiment show that, concentrations of heavy metals contained in the sludge and sludge in the lixivium is lower, after curing the heavy metal concentration of the actual quality decreased. That is to say after curing can reduce pollution.
6. Conclusion
    In order to improve the efficiency of Sludge Landfill Characteristics, the sludge can meet the processing requirements of the relevant landfill in soil mechanics, at the same time in order to avoid packing will be occupied by a large number of landfill volume, so the flow of dredging silt, some people use steel slag, fly ash, lime cement and other students, for those who are related to sludge solidification treatment, the effect is good. The curing cement has better effects for sludge, calcium hydroxide and calcium chloride can promote the sludge cement curing system. The actual condensation rate of fly ash and cement solidified sludge, leaching toxicity and curing strength can meet those needs. The construction work of alunite and cement solidified sludge and its products can also be used as related building materials. Using steel slag and lime solidified sludge, the product can also be used as landfill cover.

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