Characteristics and resource analysis of liquor waste water

Author: Taida machine       Release time:2016-08-19
Reading guidance:Brewery sludge is a by-product in the process of brewery wastewater treatment, the yield is about about 3% of the amount of wastewater, the sludge if disposed of improperly will not only bring secondar
    Brewery sludge is a by-product in the process of brewery wastewater treatment, the yield is about about 3% of the amount of wastewater, the sludge if disposed of improperly will not only bring secondary pollution to the environment, but also a waste of useful components in sludge. Therefore, to explore the sludge reduction, stabilization, harmless and resource utilization ways to dispose of has become wine enterprises are facing major problems.
     The Wuliangye brewery wastewater sludge as an example, liquor sludge has significant features different from city sludge, pH basic neutral, low water content, organic matter content is very high, the nitrogen flow, nutrient is abundant, potassium content is relatively low, the heavy metal content is very low, high calorific value and dry base, organic sludge is relatively stable. From the above liquor sludge characteristics, it can be seen compared with our city sludge, basic neutral, low moisture content, organic matter and high nutrient content, heavy metal content of low calorific value, high content of dry base, has good application prospects. Through the analysis of sludge compost utilization, the production of organic fertilizer, energy utilization, material utilization, advantages and disadvantages of several ways of utilization of protein utilization of sludge resources, optimized utilization of liquor wastewater sludge resource.
 1. Sludge composting
  The advantages of sludge compost: sludge compost is the resource utilization of the sludge disposal process in a more mature and stable. The high temperature composting sludge, not only eliminates the environmental pollution of sludge odor, while killing pathogens, eggs, can significantly degrade the toxic and harmful substances, eliminate pollution two. After composting the sludge can be used as a farm, so as to improve soil structure, improve soil fertility, but also can absorb a great amount of sludge. The sludge compost can make full use of organic matter and nutrients in sewage sludge, sludge waste to treasure, recycling of ecology, helps to reduce the sludge the serious threat to the environment, alleviate the impact on the environment pressure. The composting sludge can partly replace chemical fertilizer, the total amount of mineral resources for the rich, but the per capita resources from low China, can to some extent alleviate. Source pressure is conducive to the sustainable development of society.
    The disadvantage of sludge compost: sludge contain nutrients at the same time, it also contains toxic and harmful substances, used as a farm there are still some potentially dangerous. Sludge compost products although it can partly replace chemical fertilizer, but compared with chemical fertilizer, low nutrient content, low application rate, slow efficiency, high transportation cost disadvantage. Farmers have formed the habit of chemical fertilizer, and sludge compost fertilizer low, so farmers to purchase enthusiasm is not high, market prospect difference.
    Compared to the liquor wastewater sludge and the general urban sludge, high content of organic matter and nutrient, heavy metal content low. Through and urban sewage treatment plant sludge agricultural standard, the organic matter and nutrient content are far higher than the standard and heavy metal content is far below the standard. Sludge compost can reduce the content of heavy metals in sludge, sludge agricultural risk is extremely low. But sludge compost available nutrients did not always method and fertilizer ratio, and liquor wastewater sludge volume larger, the compost product must put on the market, and farmers to purchase enthusiasm is not high, market reaction effect is not good, which will inevitably lead to product backlog and bring a secondary problem.
2. Sludge used to produce compound fertilizer
    After composting sludge further processing, adding a certain amount of fertilizer production into organic fertilizer products, is a mature way of resource utilization of sludge. The sludge production of organic fertilizer has the advantages of organic compound fertilizer has the characteristics of high nutrient content of inorganic fertilizer, fertilizer fast, but also have organic fertilizer many elements, soil fertility, soil improvement, long fertilizer efficiency advantages. Chemical fertilizer is high energy consumption, high pollution products form. Large amounts of fertilizer, although in the short term to a certain extent, improving crop yield, but the long-term use, the tired utility leads to deterioration of soil micro ecological environment, nutrient imbalance and result in decreased crop quality, further threatening food safety and human health. The sludge processing made into organic compound fertilizer, not only can reduce sludge easily disposed of harm to the environment, and also can be used to reduce the effect caused by the large number of application of fertilizer on the environment, the sludge is transformed into agricultural organic compound fertilizer is a very beneficial to the environment resources development way, but also can alleviate the resource crisis in a certain extent. Sludge organic compound fertilizer technology mature and organic compound fertilizer products easy to be accepted by farmers.
    The disadvantages by using sludge to produce compound fertilizer: Sludge organic compound fertilizer raw materials for sludge, which contains a certain amount of toxic and harmful substances and sludge agricultural exist certain security risks. In addition, a simple compost, sludge organic compound fertilizer needs a large upfront capital investment, no certain economic base, it is difficult to open the exhibition.
    Sludge organic compound fertilizer raw materials for sludge, which contains a certain amount of toxic and harmful substances and sludge agricultural exist certain security risks. In addition, a simple compost, sludge organic compound fertilizer needs a large upfront capital investment if liquor sludge compost made from organic compound fertilizer, compared to other urban sludge, sludge addition, on sludge consumptive ability strong. Liquor wastewater sludge heavy metal content low, risk of agricultural products is also relatively low. Liquor wastewater sludge made organic compound fertilizer, farmers to accept, and the product price is compost products were significantly higher in good market prospects. No certain economic base, it is difficult to carry out.
3. Use sludge as materials
    Sludge contains a large number of strokes, EVA, iron, I and other beggar inorganic composition, material composition of these components and many building materials commonly used similar sludge has wide material utilization prospect. Including the production of cement by using sludge material, bricks and ceramsite. Sludge materials utilization advantages: cement, brick and ceramic and the raw materials are mainly clay, but clay mainly comes from the farmland, dry soil over excavation will lead to the destruction of forest vegetation, soil erosion, and the clay with high cost, belongs to the high energy consumption, high resource consumption industry. If in the production of materials satisfy the requirements, the use of sludge in whole or in part instead of clay as raw materials, on the one hand can reduce production costs, improve economic efficiency, on the other hand can reduce the consumption of clay, protect the environment, improve the resources sustainable utilization of the sludge. After calcination, the The heavy metals and soil forming minerals form solid solution, which is fixed on the mesh of the salt in the salt, which can reduce the leaching of heavy metals.
   Sludge materials utilization shortcomings: due to the material characteristics of the industry itself, use of materials, production process of sludge disposal, sludge directly with woven bags and transported to the cement plant, at this time of the sludge viscosity and odorous, in transit will inevitably result in Yisa and air pollution, in materials. Storage and feeding and factory environment caused by pollution. Sludge usually contains high content, long distance transportation will increase the transportation cost of the sludge. Coupled with the material of sludge utilization technology is not very mature, the product performance remains to be further testing, market acceptance ability is poor.
   4. Use protein in sludge
   Sludge especially food factory, brewery sludge contains a lot of valuable organic matter (protein and amino acids, etc.), the 70% of crude protein to form amino acids exist, to methionine, cystine gas acid, threonine and neck ammonia acid based, between various amino acids relative balance, is a very good protein feed, can be used as feed for raising chicken, fish and birds. Sludge protein can also made into protein fire extinguishers for fire.
   Sludge protein utilization advantages: the sludge was used as the protein utilization can reduce the sludge disposal to the environment caused by the harm. Protein foam extinguishing agent for its excellent performance has occupied a foam fire extinguishing agent market dominant position. Usually directly with plant protein extraction of large investment, the sludge hydrolysis extraction the hydrolysis of protein for preparation of foam fire extinguisher, waste as raw material, small investment and foam fire market prospects good, so using sludge to make foam fire extinguisher has huge economic benefits.
Sludge protein disadvantages of using: from the sludge extraction of protein feed for the production, than the direct use of animal and plant original production feeding a greater investment. At present about how nutrients in sewage sludge can be translated into protein feed, and long-term use of sludge protein cause potential harm and long-term effects such as are to be further research, so the sludge protein feed market acceptance ability is poor. Sludge used as protein fire extinguisher although has the very good market prospects, but at present the research is still not deep enough may exist certain potential hazards.
In the choice of liquor disposal program, we also should be based on the three principles of sludge treatment and disposal, combined with the characteristics of the five liquor sludge, shoe to select a better resource utilization of sludge.

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